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TROPOS inversion program

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:45 pm
by angela.marinoni
Hello to everybody,

we are currently using the software, provided by TROPOS. Can anyone provide the headers of files produced by the mentionad Labview code?

Many thanks for your help
Best Regards

Re: TROPOS inversion program

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:59 am
by Kay Weinhold
Hi Angela,

after using this inversion program the header is following:
1 column: Julian day
2 column: Temperature in Kelvin
3 column: Presure in hPa
4 column: the number of bins
5 column: diameter from e.g. 8 nm to 850 nm

One whole scan has two rows. the first row is the diameter and the second one is the concentration in dN/dlogDp


Re: TROPOS inversion program

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:00 pm
by Kay Weinhold
Angela, i moved your question out of "ECAC-Office" to the related topic.

Re: TROPOS inversion program

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:28 am
by angela.marinoni
Thanks a lot Kay for your help,

we still have some doubts concerning the meaning and differences among the output files created by the Labview program that uses raw and diagnostic files as input and provides as output the following folders: 01_fl1; 01_ra1; 02_flg; 02_ra2; 03_ra3; 09_ein; 10_in0; 11_in1; 12_in2; 30_plt.

Is there any manual or data description explaining which differences there are between the mentioned output files and which are those files with all the corrections applied (CPC efficiency, losses, .... ).

Thank you very much for your help, best regards.

Re: TROPOS inversion program

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:42 pm
by Kay Weinhold
Hi Angela,
usually i explan this all the time in the MPSS/CPC-workshops in TROPOS, when we are going through the data evaluation.
It´s quite complex. I will write down some short information how to deal with it and what this things mean. you dfeintily don´t need all the possible outputs. I will come up with something latest next week.